Friday, August 22, 2008


August 21st, 2008 My second son was born at 12:14 A.M.

At this time..On this planet...In this universe...there is not a happier man alive.

The only other day that I can remember being this elated was on November 21st, 1991. That was the day my FIRST son, was born. I hadn't smiled wider, felt more fulfilled, or was more proud than I was on that day. There was no human on Earth that I could have possibly loved more than my son.

Now, I am blessed with two of these days...Two sons. Two opportunities to reflect on the miracles of this world. Two ways to make all of my problems melt away into oblivion. It is, in a word, Awesome!!! I am a very, very lucky man.

The other night was quite astounding. It went from 0 to 60 in about 5 seconds. LOML was amazing. Nervous, excited, anxious. We sat around for about 5 hours just chillin in the room. the nurses were in and out alluding to the fact that we were probably going home soon to wait it out till Friday. (Scheduled C section) But...Gabriel would have none of that! by 11 or so, it was apparent that this was it!

So...into 2nd gear...prep for surgery. Not quite as easy to mentally prep as it is to physically prep a patient for this procedure. She was NOT expecting this to happen so soon. But....Et Voila! Welcome Gabriel!

My friend Sara came to visit us at the hospital and started to give advise to the little one and
we riffed on this for about an hour. We had fun and laughed a lot. (She is a freakin riot and we share the same caustic humor. she's also a pretty damn good chef)

So...Some advice for the new one...

1. Always listen to your mother. she is ALWAYS right...Your father...not so much.

2. Peanut butter and chocolate is a very good combination.

3. Fall in love...a lot!

4. Dialogue has, and always will, solve more problems than violence.

5. Plain M&M's are much better than peanut

6. The path to self fulfillment is paved with integrity, truth, and honor.

7. Always tell the's a lot easier than lying.

8. It's ok to cry

9. Laugh...a lot...out loud!

10. Have a sense of humor. If you don't have one...GET ONE

11. Study hard and go to college. Sounds cliche' but, believe me...It's important.

12. Never, EVER, EVER hit a girl!

13. Take care of your body. It's the only one you have and it IS a temple.

14. ...but ice cream is good!

15. Read books

16. Use sun screen

17. "The sure Thing" is the best movie ever

18. Surround your self with lots and lots of friends

20. Hard work pays off

21. Be true to yourself. Be true to your heart.

22. Pear jelly bellies are the best

23. Go outside and play

24. Be passionate

25. Be a Democrat

26. Be good

27. Recycle

28. Don't smoke

29. Don't be afraid to try new things.

30. Always remember that no matter how much you hate your parents...You love your parents!

31. .....and we love you....VERY MUCH


Talmany said...

Dude, congrats on the birth of your son, he is just beautiful. What is his name? How is Mommmy feeling. Hope all is well, I miss you buddy. Tal

Anonymous said...

Ok big brother of mine. I have a bone to pick with you> first thigs first, how in all that is holey can you say that plain M&M's are better than peanut. You crazy. I will be teaching my newphew to truely LOVE AND ADORE THE PEANUT M&M. Second, you other sister says is Juicy Pear, not just Pear. Third and final point, Gabriel is beautiful and gorgeous, I can't wait to hold him. So when will he be able to travel, cuz you need to bring him to the OC. There are 2 women here that are dying to hold something that doesn't talk back and ask for rides everywhere, and ak for money all the time. richard, we love and adore you, caongratulations to you and Heather. hugs and kisses to everyone in the Lodi vacinity.
Your sisters, Karen and Jamie

Anonymous said...

To my friend RH....
Believe me, I never thought when we convinced you to move to Lodi that you would have started a new family here! Wow, how things work out when you are a chef! I couldn't be happier for you, Heather, the Little Ladies, Zack, and Gabriel. Love you guys! JB

Anonymous said...

Yeehaaaa! What a beautiful boy! Good to know that baby & Mommy are doing well. I was hoping that baby might have straighter, darker hair and more slanty eyes (haha). Your son is gorgeous, the pictures perfect - except for the one where Gabriel kinda looks like Dad, but I guess you can't have everything. Congratulations to you both. Miss you and will talk soon.

Unknown said...

not really feeling number 12 dad.
i think you should change never to whenever you get the chance.