Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Two days and counting

Friday at 6A.M. is zero hour! We go to the hospital to have the alien life form removed from
its incubation chamber and show its mysterious face to the world.

Stay tuned for postings complete with name (we still have no idea), pictures and other pertinent information that you may or may not care about.

Friday could not come fast enough! Believe me, there are times when I believe that he is trying to self extract. VERY busy little baby boy in there and I cannot wait to meet him!

LOML is doing well...patient beyond belief...sleep deprived and quite uncomfortable having had to lug the enormous growth attached to her abdomen around for the past nine months. Don't know how she does it, but I believe she should be sainted, knighted, enshrined in bronze and have a national holiday named after her for going through this whole thing like a real trooper.
She is quite amazing! I know...billions of other women have done this exact thing, but this is MINE and, as far as I am concerned, the only one that matters at this time. hehe

Anyway...this is all I have for tonight. I'll keep you informed, as I said. Can;t wait for Friday!!!

So...Until next time...Eat more fiber!!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe if LOYL ate more fiber in the next day of two the alien of your being would more easily extricate him/herself from the womb area. congrats to you both and so long sleep...

Anonymous said...

Hi there Cheife Pooh!!! Congrats on the baby boy! Super excited for you! Tell Miss Heather I also send my congrat's!!! Love and Miss you both! Jeffairy!

Anonymous said...

OMG....that has to be 1 of the most beautiful babies ever born...note i said 1 of...there were at least 5 more of equal beauty in this combined family of ours and brother of mine this ones a beauty. Congrats to you and Heather have fun with him and cant wait to meet him...i love you, Karen

Talmany said...

Cheffy, mazel mazel on the soon to be birth of your baby boy. All the best to you and your baby mama :) Hope all is well. Tal